What makes Free CRM more than just interesting is the incredible level of functionality that they incorporate into this solution, and then gives away That is the strength of this company This company may be among the few with the most complete functionality for an on-demand CRM product that we?ve seen incorporating pretty much all you need when it comes to sales, customer service, and interestingly enough, marketing ? a place where the better known CRM suites are often deficiently Additionally, FreeCRM.com offers less frequently available capabilities when it comes to almost all small business CRM suites such as Knowledge Management, blogging and even audit rails.
As impressive as the breadth of functionality is, so is the depth of each of the functions ? at least what we?ve seen. For example, the sales force automation component has what you expect at the level of salesforce.com or other major SaaS players Lead management, opportunity management, pipeline management, integrated calendars, sales targets are just a partial list of the extraordinarily rich functionality that FreeCRM provides.
It doesn?t stop being impressive with just its applications The company has two geographically diverse data centers ? impressive enough, right? Well, these data centers are not just up and running but are compliant with Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Billey and Federal Rules 26 and 34.additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the data facilities have been audited as SAS 70 compliant by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). What all this means is what you see is what you get, when it comes to the controls that are claimed by FreeCRM at the datacenters
To add to this, FreeCRM.com claims that they are at ?five 9s? uptime right now (99.999%) and ?looking forward to six 9s.?
The Business Model
While we can?t begin to cover the number of features/functions that are inherent in this nearly complete product, and while we think extraordinarily highly of the product itself and the exacting standards that FreeCRM places on the development and quality of the product,
Final Thoughts
Free CRM competes as a product with any SaaS based CRM product out there when it comes to features and functions. The care that the staff has taken to be as functionally complete as they are and as flaw-free as they can be is something to be applauded. If they can fix their business model and dramatically improve their marketing, they could be a serious player in the SMB CRM market.