When people are tourists, used to eat in restaurants, or in the street, trying the typical food and cuisines of the place they visit. Now, imagine that you travel to India, and you are in New Delhi, at night, very tired of walking the whole day visiting the city, but you still want to try something typical and very tasty. Why not ordering it online? There are several companies that are in many countries, but we want to focus on Foodpanda, because they are currently in 34 countries, planning to open a few more around the world.
From Argentina to India, from Russia to Taiwan, and from Bangladesh to Rwanda, they are present in the 5 continents, so there is a big chance that your next trip is to a Foodpanda country where you can order food online easily.
To make their business globally, they have created a worldwide App for Android and IOS devices, that means, from anywhere you download the application, it is going to be the same, so, if you live in Singapore and you have in mind a travel to Argentina, it is possible to use the same App there, because when you start it, you just need to choose from which country you want to see the list of restaurants.
In each country, they now focus on the very big cities, in India, 14 cities, Argentina, the main 6 cities, and so on. In the future, they want to be in every big city in every country, they want to have more people with the possibility of ordering home delivery food easily via internet.
The process is pretty simple as we saw, indicating the location, every restaurant will appear on the list, but there is a filter available, so you can click on the cuisine and only those restaurants show up. After choosing a restaurant and dishes to try, depending on the country, different payment methods are available, like a credit card, Citibank card, or even PayPal, a feature that we like very much. Also, pay with cash on delivery is always a method, maybe the easiest for the people who is the first time ordering through Foodpanda using internet.
Usually, when people travel to another country, don’t have an idea about the quality of restaurants. That is why there is a review tab, where all the opinions of previous customers take place, for everyone to read and have a general idea about how was the process, the quality of the food, and the global opinion of Foodpanda and the restaurant they ordered to.
We checked the service, and in our opinion, is a reliable company, with trustful payment methods and they take care of the customer and do their best to keep them happy, like publish offers and discounts in their social channels, so take advantage of that!
If you, while reading this, are in a country that Foodpanda is present, place an online order and give us a feedback about how the process went, we want to know your opinion and other potential clients too!