Booming IT industry has kept a lot more of the population glued in crafting a career for themselves. In this pursuit, the health and fitness of the employees are left behind. This is a matter of severe concern. Foar health is wealth. Money can be earned in quite several ways, but once health is compromised it is hard to revive back to normal. So, dear corporate, a question to ask you- are you sure you are healthy and fit?
Alarming Occupational Hazard
Busy sitting on a single chair for long hours, staring on the same desktop for long hours can result in severe posture problems. These problems can get too severe that can hamper day to day living. The next issue here occupational damage to the eye. Ever realized blinking is very important for eyes. How long do you keep your eye glued to a breath taking email all filled with essential data? With the mindset of increased productivity, increased quality the work demands reduced absenteeism, creativity and mental alertness, improved stamina and good balance.
Being Fit At Work
In case you are not getting the daily dose of exercises, you are losing out in improving yourself, and the productivity and quality at work too. As a result of this, the employers have awakened to the need of the day. The employers are therefore provided with the gymnasium, football court and other indoor sports activity that is both recreational and healthy.
Increase The Physical Exercises
The sedentary lifestyle of a person is causing severe muscle wastage, deposition of harmful fat, building tension and stress, and declining ability to work efficiently. Working out releases good feel hormone called oxytocin. This hormone keeps the man happy and relieved of the tension. Furthermore, physical exercises burn the fat deposits that he would have stored over a long week days of work. Increasing the energy levels, reducing the body fat and maintaining the youth longer is what being fit for a corporate would mean.
Individual Employee Training
There have been several corporate wellness programs that are dedicated to improve the health and fitness of the corporate officials. Employees who have less physical jobs have to knock the chair aside and say good bye to the sedentary style of job. The aim is to reduce the postural syndromes such as hunching shoulders, stooping back, back disorders, shoulder pain, carpel tunnel syndrome etc. Poor eye sight is also affecting the people severely. So what does this corporate wellness program include? The exercise session includes warm up sessions, aerobic conditioning, muscle toning, strength training, flexibility exercises and cool down. The sessions may also include yoga, low impact, interval training, kickboxing, body sculpt, tai chi, Pilates, Latin dance etc. the choice is yours as you can select anything you find interest in. every other exercise has one or the good effects. But it would be ideal to ask your fitness trainer what you need for your body, how safe are these exercise and workouts and how good are they for you.