Summer is the best time for executing some special plans like going on a long drive, spending a beautiful weekend with family, etc that were put on hold during colder months. Regardless of the fuel price, warmer months in the UK sees maximum traffic on the roads.
Before you hit the road this summer for a much-awaited road trip, there is one important question to ask yourself- is your car prepared enough to drive into high temperature in stop-and-go style?
Most car drivers fail to prepare their vehicle before setting off for a long weekend trip and often end up being a victim of tyre failure, engine overheating or any other mechanical failure. If you perform several basic checks, you can considerably reduce the chances of a breakdown. This is also essential to ensure a safe driving for you and family.
Here are 7 useful tips shared by experts of the niche to help you prepare your car for safe and pleasant summer drives.
Find If Tyre Are In Perfect Condition:
Don’t ignore if you find the tyres are worn out or the tread depth is below the legitimate permissible limit. In such scenario, it is always wise to get them replaced with a brand new pair of tyres before you hit the road again. Moreover, it is important to check your Tyre pressure every time you head down for a long road trip. Do check your spare Tyre as well so it doesn’t disappoint when it is actually needed.
Perform Oil Change:
You can check the details in your car’s owner manual that when the right time to change oil and oil filters is. Expert mechanics often advise motorists to change oil at every 3000 miles. Oil lets your car engine work smoothly and prevents it from overheating.
Inspect Hoses And Belts:
Cool engine is a key to drive safe and hassle-free in summer days. And both hoses and belts perform major role in keeping your engine block cool during the drive. Thus, make sure the hoses and belts have no loose connection, crack or damage of any other kind.
Get New Windshield Wipers, If Needed:
A sudden windstorm is a common sight in the UK, isn’t it? Rain can impact your visibility of the road while driving. Cracked or dirty wiper can cause fatigue to your eyes and pose a potential risk to your safety. Replace wiper blades if they are damaged and not functioning effectively. Do check windshield washer level if there is a need to refill it – this is more important if you are planning a long trip or frequent short trips this summer.
Check The Brakes:
It certainly doesn’t make sense to drive with faulty brakes and put yourself at risk while on the road. This can be a thread to other motorists and passerby too. Get your car brakes checked and fix problems, if any.
Tighten Battery Connections And Clean Them:
Like other parts of your four-wheel, battery too demands routine care. Check if the battery cable connections are corrosion-free. Clean the surface and cables properly and tighten all connections. It is recommended to check battery fluid level once a month. The higher temperature in summer can be tough on your car battery, thus, make sure you get your battery’s condition checked by an expert mechanic.
Ensure Air Conditioning Is Working Right:
An average performing car AC can cause you a lot of trauma while driving in a hot summer day. Get your car’s air conditioning checked by a specialist at a local garage for a pleasant driving experience. Problems like bacteria build-up and leakage in the system can take a toll on your vehicle’s performance. Refill air con if refrigerant level is low. Car air con recharge is a crucial to cool summer drives.
Happy summer driving!