German media were very happy on Tuesday for an excellent performance is done by the Joachim Loew’s team. They have won the opening match over the Portugal with 4-0 in the world cup. With this win the team is standing in excellent position.
From the Black Forest in the south of the Baltic Sea in the north, daily papers and pundits communicated amazement over the way cap trap legend Thomas Mueller and his partners annihilated Portugal – considered their hardest Group G teammates.
The Bild newspaper, which is the best selling newspaper in Germany, said that, “this world cup is happening for us”. “Mueller is already speaking about taking it all for success”.
Despite the fact that German daily papers are typically discriminating and have a tendency to search for the fly in the salve, they could discover nothing to murmur about with the predominant execution against the Portugal.
“Mueller wipes out the Portugal,” study the feature in Die Welt.
As per the progressive Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) said that, “totally got excellently and consummately against Portugal” and included that everything Loew had needed to happen had happened.
The FAZ composed “Totally Loew arranged worked out well”. “All that he needed worked – a great deal of assortment, fast strike that begins in midfield and overpowering the adversary with pace and moving situations”.
The paper also said that, the Germans had “made Portugal unsteady with the way they played”. It included: “This match was the path of Loew needs Germany to play soccer, a style that had just succeeded in short stages so far in the not so distant future”.
Splendid MUELLER
The Sueddeutsche Zeitung daily paper in Munich told the main imperfection was a harm to guard Mats Hummels.
As per the composition of Sueddeutsche “the Germany opens its competition with other-common quality”. “Begin of the World Cup couldn’t have been any better for the Germany group. Mueller was splendid with his three objectives”. He is one of the best players of German.
Berlin’s Der Tagesspiegel daily paper said Loew merited credit for the overwhelming execution.
The der Tagesspiegel also said that, “Eins, zwei, drei, vier! Germany beats Portugal 4-0 and Joachim Loew has done well and did totally correct before of the match”. “The damage to Hummels is the main downside, however obviously that is not even as genuine as first thought”.
ARD TV pundit Reinhold Beckmann likewise became involved with the happiness.
According said Beckmann “the 4-0 win over Portugal now makes it clear that Germany is among the top choices to win the competition close by Brazil and the Netherlands”. The Germany mainly looks forward how to get the success over all nations in the matches which are held by the FIFA world cup.