These days, tantrums and kids go hand in hand, and it is vital to remember that this phase may not pass unless you are able to polish the nature of your child. A tantrum usually results when a child is not able to express himself verbally and this leads to intense bouts of frustration. These days, so many parents struggle with this phase of their children and it can be a helpless feeling unless you have given everything a shot but failed. The best tip here is to implement and expose your children to Montessori education, which helps to ensure this phase passes by within a short time.
It is important to figure out what works best for our child. Here are some examples to give you more insight into how Montessori education can help your children.
Right from the moment a mother weans off her child, she makes way for their independence. In order for a child to be independent, he or she must have some freedom. Sometimes, parents who are new to this concept misunderstand it and expect their child to become more independent by granting him or her freedom of choice without placing some limits. Fostering independence first, in this case, will lead your child to open up to freedom and confidence.
Parents often talk about the Montessori education environment. A Montessori system is not just about physical setting, but it includes the preparation of the parent as well. In well-established Milton Montessori environment, independence is an on-going process and the practical life as a curriculum is integral to it. Activities and materials in the environment encourage your child to do things on his or her own and foster the development stage. Self-esteem and confidence are the foundations of the practical life curriculum. As your child learns to clean his workspace, lace shoes, pour water, and learn new things in his Montessori school it will encourage them to be independent and grow.
How Does Montessori Foster Self Discipline?
Misbehavior is the root of bad manners. A great mistake that parents do is to ignore the bad actions of their children with the thought that they will get okay on their own, as they grow older. However, when your child enrolls in Montessori education, it trains them to interact with other children of their age and instill a sense of community learning. It allows children to choose activities of their choice, the duration they wish to spend on a task under a standard rule for the class. Through rules set by teachers in the classroom, it teaches children to learn self-discipline. It helps to refine important aspects like self-control, independence, concentration and motivation.
Parenting For Independence the Montessori Way
Independence brings the need for self-discipline. In a Montessori environment, a child will have to move towards independence and experience making decisions from limited choices. Montessori helps to polish the critical thinking sides of children, which encourages them to think out of the box and search for solutions. Through games like puzzle making, brick games, and more activities, children are forced to open up to new situations.
Parents can also create such an environment in their home by planning to involve their children in activities. In doing so, the child will be able to learn more and make well-thought wise decisions. So how does a Montessori parent encourage their child to be confident and independent? Here are some ideas for you as a parent to incorporate Montessori activities at home, ensure positive development of your child, and boost their confidence.
- Encourage “Wise Decisions”: in the beginning, give your child limited choices. Give them two or three choices to make, for example, you could ask them to pick their favorite color. This way it instills a sense of approval and confidence to allow them to select things of their choice. If they end up making a bad decision, or behave otherwise, shouting at them is not an option, you can explain it to them in a calm voice that their decision is not right.
- Hygiene and Personal Care: always encourage your children to do things by themselves. For example bathing, dressing, brushing their teeth or hair, cleanup, etc. Montessori education teaches children that they are capable of providing and taking up tasks by themselves.
- Encourage Cognitive Learning: cognitive learning helps to allow your child to think, retain memory, and work on problem thinking skills. Like a Montessori school, provide them with different learning materials. These help children to think differently and approach tasks in new ways.
Other benefits of Montessori education include:
- Makes learning fun
- Promotes cooperative play
- Focus on development
- Motivates children
- Gives freedom within limits
- Promotes hands-on learning
Children who also enroll in Milton Montessori also learn to be free within limits. As a parent, you can incorporate these into their daily lives and help to encourage their positive development and refined nature.