Different Types Of Generators For Different Types Of Uses

If you happen to live in places where a lot of power outages happen either due to the weather or failures within the power grid, you might be considering getting yourself a power generator and wondering which one to get. You have to do some research before making a decision to make sure that it fits your exact needs.

Power generators range from small portable units that will only power a few appliances to home units that power everything that runs on power in the house. There are models that will only power your television and your fridge.

1. Portable Generators

There are different varieties of this type of generator

  • Portable Gas Generators

This type is the cheapest of portable power generators in the market. They are well suited for resilient power outage and you will have different models to choose from. Gas is usually readily available so you will have no problem with that. It is portable and a lot of people prefer for it to have wheels.

  • Portable Diesel Generators

Diesel power generator is a kind that can be relied upon and you do not have to worry so much about maintenance. They do not come with spark plugs or wiring. Their generator programs are amazingly rugged and they are more expensive than gas generators. You will also find that, they weigh more and the engine noise will be higher than that of gas generators.

  • Propane Portable Generators

This type is harder to get in the market even though they are cheaper compared to diesel generators. The fuel price for a propane generator is quite high and propane could be very dangerous. On the other hand, they do not emit a lot of noise and they have easy start and stop times.

Different Types Of Generators For Different Types Of Uses

2. Stand by Generators

These are bulky power generators that are quite powerful and quite expensive as well. They are big and heavy and normally installed in one fixed position normally outside the home or said venue. It is then connected to a gas line or a liquid propane tank for operating continually without electrical power. These types of generators are used to protect against potential damages that might happen during an outage where power is relied on for critical use.

Normally, a standby power generator is wired to the main electrical system using an automatic transfer switch. In turn, it is enabled to turn on immediately there is a power cut automatically. These features make a standby power generator ideal for hospitals that need to keep the life supports running, businesses and large residential places. This also goes to malls and shopping centers to keep perishable goods from damage.

3. Inverter Generators

This type is rather new in the market, but a lot of people are opting to have it because of its great adjustable functions. You will only be using the power that you only require and that makes it a definite fuel saver. They simply work by providing power to whatever it is you choose and you can even carry them around with you.

4. Magnetic Power Generators

These kinds of generators do not need to use fuel or electricity. Practically, this means that you get to save more or less 50 %. One of the best things about them is that you could actually make one for yourself very easily. There are the zero point generators that are quite good and apart from reduced costs this type of generator will not generate any pollutants. Yes, it will be able to support even the hot water tank at no costs. You will find the necessary equipments at DIY stores and you need not be an engineer to do it. This generator can be compared to a standard transformer and the only difference is the design.

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