Automobile accidents happen, and sometimes they happen to be our fault. While this is not a thrilling situation to deal with, you can help reduce the stress that can be caused by making sure you have collision insurance. Collision insurance will cover the repairs necessary after an accident involving another car or object. Now lets take a look at what your insurance options are and what the insurance process entails to get your repairs paid for.
Coverage Plans
There are three insurance coverage plans to consider, liability, full coverage and comprehensive coverage. Your choice of coverage depends on what the current condition of your car is in, how much money you can afford on a plan, and what exactly you want to be covered.
Liability insurance is the most basic of the three types of coverage, and it covers the vehicle and individual who is not at fault for the accident. This type of coverage is usually a good choice for people who are driving older cars with a lot of miles on it. Liability is the cheapest of the three, and this is due to the fact that your car is not covered in the accident if it’s your fault, only the person who you collided with.
Full coverage insurance is your next option, and this type of coverage will cover whichever driver not at fault for the accident, as well as the driver who is at fault for it. This is a great option for people with newer cars, and for those who may have been involved in prior accidents where they have been at fault. It costs more than liability, but its worth it if you want to make sure that your car will be repaired.
Comprehensive coverage is another option to consider buying along with full coverage or liability. It covers damages incurred from factors that did not relate to the driving mistake such as theft, fire, falling objects or a civil disturbance. This is a good option because you will be covered in the event something happens to your car that was completely out of your hands.
How does my Insurance Carrier Deal with this?
This really depends on what your carrier’s policy with how they proceed, but the typical standard practice for getting collision work done is to call them when you are involved in an accident or find damage done to your car. After that the insurance company will give you instructions as to how to proceed.
When the insurance company pays for the repairs, they will generally send the original check for the claim, minus the deductible, directly to the insured or claimant. If you do not have a loan on the vehicle, the check will be made out directly to you, but if you do have a loan, the check will be made payable to you and the bank or the body shop of choice.
Choosing an auto insurance policy can be confusing, and getting your repairs paid for in the case of an accident can be an even more confusing process. Understanding what’s covered and how to proceed in the event of an accident can help save you time and ensure that you are getting everything covered that should be. No one wants to have to deal with the process of claiming an accident, so drive safe out there!
Marc LaFerriere is the owner of Dents Unlimited, an auto repair shop in Columbia, MO.