Top 3 Best Curling Irons Of 2015

Top 3 Best Curling Irons Of 2015

Before going into the types of curling iron we must know what it is all about. It is presently known by different terms like curling tongs which actually create waves like effect on hair by using. Generally it is an instrument used mainly by those who posses straight hair to make it curl but nowadays it is familiar with those also who posses curl hair to make it curly.

The processes to use the iron to make it curly are stated below:

i.   1st the iron should be heated before applying on the hair otherwise the hair cannot be made curly.

ii.  Before applying the hair should not contain any water that is to say wet.

iii. After the hair should be properly combed that is to say all the ends of the hair should be made straight.

iv. If the iron is used more often then spray should be compulsorily used to protect it from getting damaged.

v.  Finally the iron should be used gently on the hair to make it look curly.

But according to hair specialist doctors this iron used for make curly like appearance on hair posses lot of side effects, though  anti heat spray are used still this iron is damaging the hair as well as effecting the brain. This iron which gives heat on heating is however harmful for hairs only. So the doctors are still suggesting not using as far as possible.

As per customers the three best curing hair in this year are:

a) Miraqueen iron which  has an angle of 450 degree which keeps the curling effect on the hair much longer compared to others as it is based on the new technology of steam as there levels of heat upto 3. This is rated 5 stars by the customers clearly suggest that is popularly consumed.

b) The 2nd choice among buyers is Conair TS63R MiniPro Ceramic Curling Iron as the curling is of professional one. The technology is generally used is ceramic. This machine saves hair from getting damage and also posses heat level upto 3. Conair TS63R MiniPro Ceramic Curling Iron also has the facility of off/on when the iron gets heated. The customers have votes 4 stars suggest it is less popular compare to the above. It also serves as the best travel curling iron.

c) The third most popular iron among the consumers is HTG 1860 Flipperless which generally gets heated upto 430 degrees. The surface is made of gold so that the heat generally evenly gets distributed. The glove is also provided with the iron so that it can be used safely. The consumers also rated this iron 5 stars which suggests it is also very popular like the miraqueen iron.

Check out the some of the best curling irons.