T-Mobile Leading On Customer Support Experience Over Verizon And AT&T

T-Mobile Leading On Customer Support Experience Over Verizon And AT&T

Leading telecommunications market analytics firm J.D Power recently conducted a survey on the current market scenario. The survey levelled the three primary mobile services providers on different grades. T-mobile scored the best ranks in attending to the customer support paradigm. This latest survey, focusing on the no-contract market segment of the mobile providers, looked up different aspects into evaluating the overall user experience in different mobile platforms.

The study verified the mobile provider services on multiple parameters over the period of July to December 2013. The results present some very interesting perspectives on the importance of efficient customer support in retaining user confidence.

With the rapid evolution of mobile phone technology, the newest devices compete with each other in providing a plethora of apps-based services. Because of the multiple apps and features available on the mobile devices, the customer support calls are increasingly becoming more complex than it was before. The survey also noted that users revert to the customer support frequently in accessing the various embedded features of mobile technology. The availability of an efficient support and troubleshooting department is essential for a mobile operator to succeed in a highly competitive landscape.

Seventeen percent of the respondents in the survey noted the effective resolution of support issues on the full-service mobile wireless platform in less than five minutes. Twenty percent users noted that it took more than 25 minutes into resolving their mobile wireless issues.

The data presents an interesting perspective on the increasing complexity of accessing mobile features. As companies strive constantly in shelling out the newest experiences at the highly saturated smartphone market, customer support efficiency continues to play a key role in retaining brand loyalty. Besides, the robust support system is critical into assisting customers to explore the latest features.

Market data reveals most users do not optimize the efficiency of their gadgets. Even the most hyperactive user still does not utilize all apps and features. Technical apprehension is often a primary cause behind the optimization apathy. A good support system is crucial to encourage users into trying the latest features. Customers are increasingly returning to their carriers on multiple occasions. 23 % of wireless users indicated that they contacted the support staff more than once. A quarter of these return calls lasted more than 25 minutes.

Market data indicates that carriers need to resolve the support calls effectively in retaining their loyal base. T-mobile’s top rank definitely presents conclusive evidences on the investment to train support staffs into handling complex troubleshooting issues.