How Smart Chat Helps Car Dealerships Target Repeat Visitors

The first generation of live chat integration for retail websites has been around long enough that you’ve likely encountered it by now. There’s a good chance you’ve considered implementing one for your own dealership website, too. When they’re used right, they can become powerful tools for converting web traffic to good quality leads and on-the-lot customers, but not all services are created equally. Ideally, you will want to find a full-suite online and over-the-phone customer service support company – but most importantly, you need one that uses a behavioral intelligence system.

Online liaison companies like Gubagoo are integrating behavioral intelligence systems unique to their industries, in this case vehicle sales. By identifying, tracking, and analyzing a web visitor’s browsing behavior, an intelligent system can score previously anonymous visitors. This way, online liaisons and dealer salespeople can identify those visitors who are primed to purchase, and just need the right incentive. Here are some of the strategies that a smart system allows you to use that will convert traffic into leads and sales.

Pushing Incentives: One way dealers can use car dealer chat is to combine behavioral analytics with incentives publishing. Visitors may not have questions they think a real person needs to answer, or they may be reluctant to engage at this point in their purchasing process. However, if you know which sections of your website this visitor has spent time reading, you have an idea of what they’re looking for. You can tailor the incentives that appear for that visitor to their viewing behavior. You will know whether they’re looking to lease, want 0% financing, or want a good deal on a trade in. You can use behavioral data to engage customers by serving them incentives through billboard or publisher ads.

Incentives vs. Proactive Chat: The biggest difference between passive chat and the proactive alternative seems obvious, but it can be surprisingly effective. Instead of waiting for the customer to engage you, you can start the conversation yourself. It’s all about what the behavioral data determines through its scoring system. It may be better to offer tailored incentives, or offering help through the chat window when they’re looking at the dealership’s inventory.

The Interruption: Once a behavioral intelligence system has identified repeat visitors and created a profile based on their browsing patterns, it can begin to score them. When it identifies a high frequency repeat visitor who has still failed to convert, a smart conversion strategy is to interrupt their browsing through the live chat window. The behavioral system used by Gubagoo is paired with proactive online liaisons and an app that allows a dealership’s salespeople to monitor conversations. The liaison’s job at this point is to book the visitor for a test drive, but through the app, a salesperson at a dealer can see the conversation and intervene if they see an opportunity to convert the visitor into a sale. With conversion rates of up to 90% in these scenarios, an active, smart system is clearly the way to go.

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