How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Could Benefit Our Health?

As summer is fast approaching, it would be a good time for people to start some healthy outdoor activities. People would rummage through closets to look for various sports equipments. Many people would think that fishing is not the most physically active thing we can do. However, it could be a good activity for our wellbeing and health. During summer, people habitually grill burger and ribs. This could be among the unhealthiest periods in our lives. Ounces after ounces of saturated fat could enter our digestive tract and some of them could find their way into our critical blood vessels.

People with good fishing techniques will likely catch more fishes and they will surely consume less red meat. It has been indicated that people who consume more fish could experience improved health conditions. Some fish species are known for their exceptionally high Omega 3 fatty acids. They reduce the chances of blood clot formation, which may cause strokes. Omega 3 fatty acids are known for the ability to prevent platelet clumping or formation of clots. If we consume enough Omega 3 fatty acids, our blood will be less sticky. Embolic stroke could also happen when clots block other parts of our body.

On average, people with one day of fish-based diet each week could have reduced risk of stroke at about 22 percent. People who live coastal areas and consume fish almost each day have their stroke risks reduced by 52 percent. Unfortunately, many people, especially those who are living in high grounds and landlocked territories could consume much less fish. However, we should be aware that light, air and heat could gradually destroy Omega 3 fatty acids. It means that we should immediately process freshly caught fish and we shouldn’t apply excessive heat when cooking.

Other thing that people are not aware of is that the cooking process could add various unhealthy elements inside the food. When processing fish, we should use low-fat cooking methods, such as sautéing, grilling, steaming, poaching, broiling and baking. We should cook fish only to make sure that microorganism have been eliminated. Once the fish is adequately cooked, we shouldn’t apply more heat to avoid destroying the nutritional elements. Deep-frying should be avoided, because not only it will destroy Omega 3 fatty acids, but a large quantity of unhealthy fat will be added.

If fishing isn’t your cup of tea, you should try fish oil supplements. However, we should be aware that it is easy to overdose on fish oil consumption, especially if we want to get real health benefits from it. We should also know that Omega 3 fatty acids are not found only in fish, but also soybean oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil, tofu, some nuts and some vegetables. It means that it is a good idea to process fish with these ingredients to maximize the benefits. Still, routine fish consumption alone won’t compensate for unhealthy diet. If we still consume too much fast food and red meat, we will still be considered as a high risk individual.

Categorized as Health