GTA 5 Online New Mode – Till Death Do Us Part

Online New Mode

GTA 5 is a grand world of virtual heist that has swept away the idea of console game fun by offering its users pure entertainment and fascination. This year’s new special GTA 5 edition “Be my Valentine”, surprises its fans with a new and exciting online mode named “Till Death Do Us Part”.

What’s new about “Till death do us Part”?

This new and exciting mode is available on GTA 5 online and is addressed to couples as a special edition of the multiplayer game mode. In this new adversary mode, up to 4 couples compete in 5 different locations of the game. What is unique about this challenge is that the loving couple shares one life, so if one should die the other will follow in a dramatic manner. The star-crossed lovers also get tempting bonuses in health and regeneration points if they stay close to one another, all the more reason to cuddle together. So, if you are a couple that likes to play together, stay close and have each other’s back; you are sure to have a wonderful time this weekend entertaining yourself and each other with this special adversary mode.

GTA 5 Online Makes hHstory

The truth is GTA single player is losing serious ground to the GTA Online. It could just be that the highly expected single-player DLC for GTA V might not even happen at all. Over the years, GTA has constantly supported the multiplayer online mode with a variety of truly fascinating content updates and specials. Maybe because of the Valentine’s special, GTA Online is enjoying and celebrating this week, the most numbers of players and the most revenue income so far. Great job Rockstar!

GTA 5 Online is Fighting the Cheats

With cheats thriving in the world of GTA, Rockstar has taken on a difficult, maybe even close to impossible task, by not releasing money cheats. Over the last 8 months, the game developers have conducted a sustained, anti-cheats campaign designed to discourage people from using cheat codes. In this direction, the game developers have released several updates and patches to combat many of the cheat codes that go against their policy, especially the money glitches. However, this seems to be a very long and never ending battle as with every covered glitch every update and expansion seems to open the world to other glitches that users can exploit. Starting with last November, there have been an increasing number of account bans in the GTA world, all related to the exploit of the already deemed illegal money glitches. Even with the widely generated panic, that should come to no surprise considering what we all know: cheats come with downsides, can be illegal and are to be used at the user’s own responsibility. Meanwhile, if you like to blur the lines, here is a list of all the best cheats for your XBox One.

Featuring new challenges and unique items, this tumultuous Valentine’s weekend special has been highly expected by all GTA fans around the world. Try it out! It’s supposed to be a blast!