Frugal Ways To Make Your Office Fashionable

Your office space is an important place. Not only do you spend the bulk of your waking hours there, but this is where you wheel and deal, generate your most profound thoughts, and earn food for the table. Surely, the setting where these monumental tasks take place is worthy of a makeover–a new look that… Continue reading Frugal Ways To Make Your Office Fashionable

Should You Provide Employees With Health Coverage?

If you own or run a business that actually has employees on a payroll, then you will inevitably be faced with the task of recruiting qualified candidates. Obviously, since you care about your company’s success, you want to bring in only the best people, and to do that you need to offer an attractive compensation… Continue reading Should You Provide Employees With Health Coverage?

Start Up Success: Avoid These Common Financial Fudge Ups

That you will make mistakes, and learn boatloads from them as your business goes along is inevitable; experience is our greatest teacher is it not? But, just because you can’t know everything, and do everything perfect right from the start, doesn’t mean you can’t arm yourself with the knowledge to minimize errors, and maximize success… Continue reading Start Up Success: Avoid These Common Financial Fudge Ups

Categorized as Business

Should You Hire Someone Over 50?

People are living longer than ever, and thanks to a better understanding of how to stay healthy, those latter years have a good quality of life. This means that, rather than slowing down when hitting the big Five-Oh, an American adult who keeps themselves healthy can reasonably expect to keep chugging along pretty much at… Continue reading Should You Hire Someone Over 50?

How Much Should You Really Spend On Marketing For Your Small Business?

This is a question that every business of every size asks every fiscal year, how much should I actually be spending on marketing? There are a lot of different reasons you should be spending more or less on marketing, but no matter what, marketing is essential for any business to grow and expand. You need… Continue reading How Much Should You Really Spend On Marketing For Your Small Business?

Categorized as Marketing

Is Student Accommodation A Good Investment?

Australia is a top haven for international education, rivalled only by the US and UK. Every year, the continent welcomes a heavenly host of successful student visa applicants, all eager to acquire qualifications as only Australia could give. Clearly real estate developers and institutional investors feel it their duty to rise up to the occasion.… Continue reading Is Student Accommodation A Good Investment?

Categorized as Investment