Why Cycling Just Might Be Your Next Addiction


There is no doubt that cycling has really exploded in popularity in recent years. Events such as the Tour de France, for example, have catapulted cycling to the forefront of many minds. This newfound popularity has resulted in more people than ever before buying road bikes and taking up cycling, either as a great way to attain fitness and health or in a semi-professional fashion as they seek to enter races and other competitions.

The Great Thing about Cycling

If the last time that you cycled was on your school bike many years ago, you may be surprised at just why so many people are now turning to cycling. Indeed, many people find that they become rather addicted to it once they have taken it up! The other good news is that road bikes in Malaysia can be purchased at very reasonable prices. Here are just a few reasons why cycling might just be your next big thing:

  • Keeping Fit: There are fewer people more fit than professional cyclists so it makes sense that cycling is a great way to burn fat, maintain a healthy weight, build stamina and endurance, and tone and strengthen muscles.
  • Balance: It requires good balance to ride a bike well. This means that it is also a great way to improve one’s balance as one gets older. Even a light and casual ride through a picturesque park can be a great way to keep fit and maintain good balance. Furthermore, for people with physical problems or the elderly, cycling improves core strength and improves balance. This cannot be underestimated in the infirm.
  • De-Stress: The modern world produces all sorts of stresses and anxieties. This can lead to some pretty serious health conditions, including depression. It is also a well-known fact that exercising can actually help to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Even just a few short bike rides a week can help to lift the spirits and avoid the blues.
  • Stimulation: We often associate physical exercise with physical results but the fact is that cycling can be a pretty stimulating activity both mentally and emotionally. Getting out there in a bike and taking a long ride through the countryside can actually provide much-needed stimulation for the brain. All of that scenery can make us feel as if we’re a part of a much bigger world. Consequently, we receive an emotional boost and get to build new brain connections. Combine this with the obvious fitness and health benefits of cycling and the whole thing looks to be a great all-round exercise.

Your Next Health Kick

Whether you’ve been looking for a great way to exercise or you’re just starting out as a beginner, cycling provides many fantastic benefits that cannot be ignored. Not only does it promote physical fitness and strength but it also provides emotional and mental well-being. In many ways, cycling is a complete exercise covering many aspects of our personal health and wellness. In a modern world where it is all too easy to stay indoors, cycling is a good way to get out into the world and live again!