The Best Hacks For Organising Your Wardrobe

Organising your wardrobe once a year can really help to make daily life so much easier, so we are here to introduce the best hacks for organising so you can get everything under control! Dedicating a few hours to organising this will make a huge difference, so get ready to learn how to transform your wardrobe!


Have One Big Clearout

The very first thing you need to do when organising your wardrobe, and arguably the most important, is to have one big clearout. Take everything out of your wardrobe and lay it out on the floor of your bedroom or your bed. When we say take everything out, we mean EVERYTHING, from your wardrobe and all your drawers. 

Once you’ve pulled everything out, start working through your stuff and create a keep pile, a sell pile and a donate pile. The keep pile will be pieces you really love that fit you well. The sell pile will be good quality clothes that you have just fallen out of love with, that you think you could make a bit of money selling on Ebay, Depop or Vinted. You can then use this money to invest in some good quality pieces to add to your wardrobe. Lastly we have the donate pile, which are things you don’t think you will be able to sell, but that deserve to have a good home! 

Put all of your clothes you will donate and sell in separate bags, then you can start putting the clothes you are keeping into sections. Have a section for your wardrobe, and then break this down to organise them either by colour or by type of clothing, e.g. having all of your dresses together, trousers, shirts and then your luxury womenswear all together too. Do the same with your drawers, picking out things like pyjamas, knitwear, denim and gymwear that don’t need to be hung so you save wardrobe space. 

Once everything is in the correct piles and you have given your wardrobe and drawers a good clean to remove any dust, you can finally start putting things back in. You will feel so refreshed with a clearer wardrobe and you will even make some money or help someone in need as a result of it, so set aside some time to do this and you certainly won’t regret it. 


Only Keep Seasonal Clothes In Your Wardrobe

Our next tip is to only keep seasonal clothes in your wardrobe. By this, we mean that instead of having all of your clothing for the entire year in your wardrobe at all times, only have out the clothes you need for that season. So, in the summer, you can pack away all of your thick knitwear and coats and put them into storage somewhere in your house, perhaps on top of your wardrobes or in the loft. The best way to protect your clothes when you do this is to use vacuum sealed bags. You just pack everything into them and then suck the air out with a vacuum, keeping the clothes safe from dust and it also helps to save so much space. 

Then, when the season starts coming around, spend an hour swapping everything around so you have all your winter clothes ready for the months ahead. Again, this may take an hour or so to do, but if you are short on space, this is a fantastic tip that will make everything so much easier to find. 


Get Drawer Organisers

Moving away from your wardrobe and onto your drawers, drawer organisers are such a good investment. You can get all kinds of different types designed for different things, from smaller compartments for underwear and socks to larger sections that you can use for gymwear. Instead of piling lots of different things on top of eachother, you will be able to really clearly see everything that you have in the drawer, not only helping you to find stuff quicker, but it also helps to keep everything tidy. 

Most drawer organisers can be altered to suit your drawers, but make sure to double check the dimensions before buying. You can get these organisers super cheap, so make the investment and you won’t regret it! 


Don’t Forget To Organise Your Shoes

Now that we’ve discussed your wardrobe and drawers, it’s time to move onto your shoes! They take up a lot of space, so organising them properly is important. One great hack is to get a wide shoe rack for the bottom of your wardrobe. Often this space doesn’t get used to its full potential, so make use of it by adding a shoe rack for your best shoes. Then, you could have a separate box for the rest of your shoes that are okay to be piled on top of one another. This will make your shoes look great as well as helping to make use of important space in your wardrobe. 

If you don’t have room for a shoe rack in the bottom of your wardrobe, maybe get a hanging shoe rack that you attach to your wardrobe rail. It will sit at one end of your wardrobe and only takes up a thin space, so you can store your shoes safely without taking up much space. Or, if you are a real sneakerhead, you could get a separate standing unit for your shoes to really show them off! Whatever you decide to do, making sure you organise your shoes well will make a big difference when it comes to the organisation of your space. 


Add Shelving To Your Walls 

Last but not least, we have shelving! Often our wardrobes become filled with random bits and pieces that aren’t clothes over time. This could be random London souvenirs from your most recent trip that you didn’t know where to put, some of your DIY boxes crafts that are all over the place, bits of jewellery that will easily get lost, some of your makeup that’s fallen out of your bag or random handbags thrown in the bottom. 

So, a great way to make use of wasted space in your bedroom is to add shelving! You could have one shelf that is used for decorative purposes like your jewellery, souvenirs etc, and then you could have another shelf that has matching boxes on it where you can store things like makeup and toiletries. This way, everywhere will have a home and your wardrobe can be fully reserved for your clothes! You will save space and add a unique and beautiful design feature to an unused space in your bedroom.