How Doctors Are Changing The Cosmetic Industry

wrinkle fillers

Wrinkle fillers in  Glasgow and cities across the UK are more popular than ever before. Many doctors, nurses, and dentists are choosing to train in cosmetic procedures due to the popularity of treatments such as cheek fillers and botox. One UK doctor who has decided to open his own practice is Dr Darren McKeown. Darren has featured on a number of television programmes informing the nation of the benefits of cosmetic treatments (if they are done by a medical professional that is.

He says on his website that his “passion in life is to help men and women feel better about themselves through the way they look… to give people the power to become the best version of themselves”.  More and more of us are choosing cosmetic treatments to boost confidence and self-esteem issues and with the global Botox market is expected to reach around £1.8 billion by 2018, which makes no a perfect time to invest in wrinkle fillers Glasgow courses or cosmetic training if you are a medical practitioner.

The Importance of Professional Plastic Surgery in Glasgow

Over the years, the cosmetic industry has often been shamed in the media for when it does go wrong. When asked about this in an interview Dr Darren agreed that it is the fault of poorly trained practitioners. He believes that cheek fillers in Glasgow should always look professional as he is often left fixing other doctors’ mistakes. This is why it is so important that patients choose a cosmetic treatment centre which is dedicated to non-surgical procedures.  and the women involved are frequently vulnerable. Some of the bad work he sees in London, he adds, is “bordering on criminal”. Women who end up with “ducky lips” and “cheeks that are too big” give the profession a bad name.

The reality is, there isn’t the regulation in place. Dr Darren McKeown wants people to understand that medical procedures should always be prescribed in a safe, clean environment. It is the responsibility of both the professional and the patient at this point if they choose to have a procedure completed outside a medical environment. Patients need to take more responsibility for researching their procedures.


The Growth of Wrinkle Fillers in Glasgow & Scotland

In Scotland, the wrinkle fillers industry has fought against recession and is growing every year in Glasgow. Dr Darren says that his wrinkle fillers Glasgow clients will swap shopping in Waitrose to Aldi so that they can afford the latest treatments. Dr Darren says that “The frown lines are one of the most commonly treated areas using botulinum toxin. The muscles which we use to frown also depress the brow and so by relaxing them using botulinum toxin”