Choosing Sunglasses For Sports

Running Sports glasses

When choosing a pair of sunglasses to be used in a sporting match there are some key points to consider. Of course, it depends on the sport you are actually playing but non-combative sports, such as running or tennis, means you can select something appropriate like a pair that is easily adjustable and quick to remove so you wipe away any sweat that builds up around the eye.

Runners and sports people should think carefully about the glare factor. A pair of suitable sunglasses for sport should have a reactive to light feature. This means when running or playing sports in the open sun the glasses will become darkened and reduce glare, but when you suddenly enter a shaded area – such as a wooded glade or the side of a building – your sports sunglasses should immediately lighten enabling you to see more clearly in the darkened shade you have just entered. The transition should also be rapid to ensure runners don’t suddenly trip over any hazards like a drop kerb or divot on a walkway that appears when you come straight out of the sun and into a shaded area.

It is not just the sun that a sports person needs protecting from. There are elements like wind, rain and even debris kicked up by the weather that you need to protect your eyes from. Sunglasses that are reactive to light are important for runners on those grey, cloudy days where there is very little sun but the eyes still need shielding from those harmful elements.

Wrap-around sunglasses are the eyewear of choice for most sports players in combative sports. Former Dutch football player Edgar David wore tightly bound sunglasses when performing on the pitch to protect the eyes from collision and damage. These were specially designed shatterproof and comfortable eyepieces which had small holes in the top to allow the eyes and surrounding skin to breathe during rigorous exercise.

Sportswear manufacturer Adidas has developed and marketed a pair of high-tech sunglasses that will give the wearer a larger-than-life mirrored lens. It has more of a curve allowing for razor sharp vision in the field. These glasses are ideal for hockey players and other field sports players.

Sports sunglasses should also offer 100 per cent ultra violet light protection. Often sportsmen and women will spend all day out in the field and any exposure to the sun lasting more than 30 minutes, absolutely has to be remedied with a decent pair of sunglasses that will protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.