A Guide To Becoming A Greener Motorist

Green motoring is a hot topic in today’s modern world. The numbers of people driving cars on the road are increasing, and so with it are the amount of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide get produced from petrol and diesel engines.

A lot of countries around the world have agreed to lower greenhouse gas emissions. But some nations, such as the United Kingdom, haven’t fared so well in meeting their air pollution targets!

We can all take steps to lower our greenhouse gas emissions. If you worry about the effect your car is having on the environment, this handy guide will show you how to become a greener motorist!

 Plan your Journeys

A lot of people are impulsive drivers. In other words, they get behind the wheel of their cars and head to a destination without planning first. The thing about planning your car journeys is that you can reduce your car’s emissions by a significant amount.

When you plan your journey, you can travel at a time when it is not likely that you will get stuck in traffic. And because the roads will be better-flowing at the time, you can drive at a steady speed. Not only are you cutting back on your car’s emissions, but you are saving fuel too!

There are plenty of ways that you can plan your journeys. Websites like Google Maps can plot directions that are the quickest or help you avoid known traffic blackspots. You can also turn your smartphone into a sat-nav device, for times when you don’t have Internet access.

You can even arrange your journeys so that you can share your car with others. Such actions will reduce your carbon footprint.

Trade in your Gas Guzzler

Another step that you can take is to head down to Motorline Direct and buy an eco-friendly car, such as the fabulous Mini!

Today’s modern cars are fuel-efficient and have lower emissions than their predecessors. They also boast an array of safety features and technology. For example, some cars feature start-stop technology.

When you come to a stop, and your car’s engine is idling for a few seconds, the engine will switch itself off. To drive off, just keep your foot on the clutch, and it will start up again. How amazing is that!

There are thousands of different models to choose from, and you can buy brand new or used cars. In fact, there is bound to be a car out there to suit your lifestyle and budget.

Lighten the Load

Do you carry half of your home with you in the car? If so, it’s time to lighten the load! There are two reasons why you should travel light where you can.

First, your car’s engine will use less fuel. It will produce less drag, and so it can travel further using the same amount of fuel. Second, your engine emissions will decrease. They decrease because you aren’t burning as much fuel!

Do you have other eco-friendly tips you’d like to share? Post them up in the comments section below!